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The importance of high-quality measurement data in district heating & cooling
September 3, 2024
Reliable measurement data are essential for the operation of sustainable heat networks. By collecting and analyzing this data, you can accurately monitor and optimize heat distribution. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between high-quality measurement data and customer satisfaction: providing insights into accurate and reliable consumption data increases transparency and trust between supplier and consumer, resulting in fewer complaints and higher satisfaction.
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From heat meter to payment: what happens to end user data?
July 8, 2024
Heating networks are a key element in the shift towards more sustainable energy sources. A crucial part of this process involves collecting data from end users. This data, generated from the moment heat is distributed from the network to individual users, plays a vital role in managing the network and the billing process. But what actually happens to this data once it's collected?
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Customer Insights: How can transparency increase customer satisfaction in the heating and cooling sector?
March 28, 2024
The efforts towards a smooth heat transition bring big changes. For heating and cooling suppliers, finding the right balance in sharing information and thereby creating trust and support remains a struggle. In this context, Zero Friction met up with 15 clients from Belgium and the Netherlands to exchange experiences. How can heating and cooling suppliers address these transparency challenges and strive for a positive customer experience?
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How to improve end customer experience to accelerate the heating transition
April 12, 2023
The social acceptance of the heating transition is vital to make it successful. Digital transformation with a focus on end customer experience is known to be a critical success factor in the heating transition.
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